
Do you have any questions about your order, an item or do you have a suggestion? Please contact us at or via the contact form below.

Would you like to return a product? No problem! Complete the returns document carefully and return it together with the product.

You pay shipping costs yourself.

You can always place your order for free in our Buffalo Full-time Fan Shop. (Planet Group Arena - Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808, 900 Ghent)

Download return document

General information


Phone number: 09 330 23 60

Fan shop opening hours

No game

Closed on Mondays
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Closed on Sundays

On match days

Closed on Mondays
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 am until the start of the match and for one hour after the match
Sunday: 3 hours before the match until the start of the match and for one hour after the match